The past few days the LORD has been testing my own perseverance in faith. God has been ‘breaking into” my own day-to-day experience lately to help me see where conversion is most needed in my life. The grace in this is being able to see with greater clarity where God is calling me to greater charity.
This morning I awoke with a strong realization that our life is a result of God’s enduring love, expressed most beautifully and completely in the mercy He so readily extends us through his Son, Jesus Christ. As every morning begins, I made a brief stop this morning in the chapel to visit the Lord present in the Blessed Sacrament. Again, there was a deep sense of the Lord revealing his mercy.
I was in a hurry this morning to catch a plane, but made time for prayer. As I began praying the Liturgy of Hours, I could tell I was a bit distracted by being ‘rushed’ to start the day earlier than usual. I took a moment again to look to the Blessed Sacrament, and was quickly reminded, the Lord is the REALITY around which everything else revolves. The hurried start to this day had a feel to it that said: “I’m making time for you, LORD, in the busi-ness of this day.”
I was quickly reminded that the Lord does not revolve around me or the many activities of my day. Rather, the proper order is that I and all my activities revolve around the Lord. This realization of true Reality immediately put me at peace, and allowed me to return to prayer with a proper focus that could truly nourish my heart and soul in order to bring the Lord into (hopefully) all else that I will do today.
How perhaps are each of us called to recognize that our life is a gift from God? God is the Origin and final Goal of every human life and journey. How does my day-to-day routine reflect this Reality and incorporate a proper effort to cooperate with it? Do I see my life ‘ordered to God,’ or do I rather simply try to squeeze in time for God each day, once a week, something less?
Lord, help us live according to your way and will. Help us to live in relationship with you in all that we do. Help us to live life fully for you in every thought, word and deed. Help us to love and serve you in every person we meet. Help us make room for you in our homes, work and society. Give us the eyes to see that you are the sole desire of my soul. May the reality of our day revolve around the REALITY that is You.