As the Church celebrates today’s Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, it is an opportunity for us to be mindful of what a precious gift we have in the Eucharist. In the world there are always challenges and problems, but we are never alone. We have a God who loves us far more than we can ever imagine.
The God whose love cannot be contained, out of love created all things, and in time chose to enter so fully into the world that he took on our human condition, becoming one like us in all things except sin. Inconceivably, the Infinite God, creator of heaven and earth, became a human person.
Through the Incarnation, Jesus Christ took on our human flesh. In Christ, God perfectly joined the human and divine natures in one person. The dignity of every human person is reflected in Jesus.
Jesus preached the Word with an authority unlike any other, as He is the Word. The life and ministry of Jesus amazed people, because there is no greater love of God and neighbor than the love of Jesus. These are the primary reasons why so many people came to believe in Jesus during his life and followed as disciples.
The love of Jesus culminated on the cross, where his body hung for a few hours for all the world to kneel in adoration. Upon the cross, Christ finally surrendered his spirit to the Father, and poured forth his blood as a source of life for all who believe in him.
Now, through the Body and Blood of Christ (Eucharist) all who believe may know within our own bodies a sharing in the divine nature – the divine life – which is a life of perfect love for God and for neighbor.
What a precious gift to know and believe in God. What a far greater gift to receive the Body and Blood of Christ, that we might be united as one in God! Let us live in faith, unity and love this day and always!