For some reason, the readings this weekend really touched my own experience. Who of us has not experienced moments in our life where we sensed God’s silence, which may have also led us to mutter a word similar to that of the Prophet Isaiah: The Lord has forsaken me; my Lord has forgotten me. (Is 49:14ff.)
Such moments need to be tempered with the wisdom and faith found in the very next line of Isaiah: Can a mother forget her infant, be without tenderness for the child of her womb? Even should she forget, I will never forget you. What a Mystery, this loving, sometime silent God of ours! This is just another piece of the Mystery St. Paul speaks of in today’s second reading when he says: we are stewards of the mysteries of God. (1 Cor 4:1-5)
It is in these moments when we experience the silence of God, and are tempted to think He has forgotten us that we are called to make that act of faith in the fidelity of God. It is in these very moments that God is tempering and strengthening our faith, to be even more “fit” for what lies ahead.
However, in those moments of weariness and darkness; in those moments of God’s silence it is not easy to remember the wisdom of the mysterious ways of God. In those moments, we are tempted to find our solace in what does not satisfy. Thus, Psalm 4 wisely questions: how long will your hearts be closed, will you love what is futile and seek what is false?
The Gospel today also warns against worry and seeking after the things of this world. We must be honest about how this consumer society affects our spirituality…even our faith. We do tend to put our trust in our ability to store up and possess way more than we need. Even with our great wealth and many possessions, we are still “haunted” at times by tomorrow. Thus, the wisdom of today’s Psalm 62: Only in God is my soul at rest.
Jesus in Matthew’s Gospel teaches us to seek first the Kingdom of God. This is our first priority. He teaches us not to worry about tomorrow, because God in His great love knows how He will provide for us. Even the Lord’s Prayer teaches us to seek only what we need today; Give us this day our daily bread. We do not pray for the whole loaf. We do not pray for what we will need tomorrow…only for today, and only as much as we truly need.
May we learn to make God’s Kingdom our first priority. May we also find our satisfaction and fulfillment only in God…even when…He is silent!