After the parish visitation to St. Anthony in Cody, there was a Confirmation at St. Barbara in Powell Sunday evening. We confirmed twenty eight young people from both St. Anthony and St. Barbara. A parishioner in Powell hosted the clergy before Mass for a lovely dinner. These moments always give us a good opportunity to visit, and in this case, to enjoy the hospitality of a family.
Following Mass we made our way back to St. Anthony for the night. Monday morning, the Wyoming Council of Catholic Women gathered from around the state for an 8:00 Mass to kick off this year’s state convention. There was a good turnout from around the state. Following Mass, I joined the ladies for breakfast at the Holiday Inn. My original intention was to spend the day with them, but I needed to take advantage of being in the area to meet with a few other groups.
After breakfast, I made my way to the Mt. Carmel Monastary for a visit with our Carmelite Monks. As most of this readership knows, they are finalizing plans for a new monastery. The day provided an opportunity to bring together the Chapter members of the community, along with the New Mt. Carmel Foundation Board and myself to discuss the progress of recent months and further solidify plans for the future. We enjoyed a fruitful gathering and discussion.
This morning, I will celebrate Mass with the community and then begin making my way back to Cheyenne. Once again, there are several wildfires throughout the state. Please pray for needed rain and for the safety of those who battle these blazes.