There were several significant gatherings in Casper, yesterday. The Diocesan Pastoral Council, in their role of Leadership Team for the Diocesan Pastoral Planning process along with the diocesan management team and priority task force leaders spent the afternoon together at St. Patrick. This was the first time the task forces of the six priority groups came together to share the fruit of their labors in further defining the action steps for each of the priorities.
The general consensus at the end of the day is that a lot of hard work, creativity and insight is coming together. One common theme heard is that the process alone is generating some good excitement and enthusiasm for the faith. The results of this meeting will be summarized and shared once again with the broader church for one more round of feedback.
Once the summary is compiled, we will share the results by means of the diocesan newsletter, this blog, the diocesan website, and an insert in as many of our parish bulletins as we can. Contact information will be provided for those wishing to share their input and observations. I am very grateful to our leadership team and all our priority task force members who have been so generous with their time and faith. Please keep this important initiative in your prayers.
Heads up: Keep July 1 open for a special celebration.
After this four hour meeting, we had our fourth of five Operation Andrew Dinners, also at St. Patrick. Some of the ladies of the parish prepared a wonderful meal, and several KofC members served the meal and took care of the clean up. Thanks to each of these individuals.
I believe we ended up with ten interested young men along with a very good representation of the priests from the Casper deanery. Fr. Kevin Koch shared his vocation story, and did a fine job. Thanks, Fr. Kevin! Once again, we saw a generous response from this group of young men who are seriously discerning God’s will in their lives…and we can ask no more.
Please continue to keep special prayers for vocations in your own personal prayers, and also keep an eye out for young people you feel God may be calling to serve the Church as priests or religious. Then, do not be shy about approaching them and sharing with them why you think they would make a good priest, deacon, brother or sister. Of course, we know all of these vocations come from families, so we also keep in prayer those who are looking for Mr. or Mrs. Right!