As this day draws towards sunset, I invite all of us to turn to our Blessed Mother, whose birth we recall this day.

Mary played a pivotal role in the history of salvation. She, in all humanity, by God’s grace, became a worthy woman who would conceive the Son of God.

Granted, God’s plan of salvation could have taken any form or path, but Mary was chosen by God for this providential role to become the Mother of God. It is only ‘right and just’ that we celebrate the day of her birth.

Mary shared our humanity with God, and through her, God share divinity with us. Mary bore the Son of Man in her womb, and delivered him to the world, both in birth and in the moment of his passion and death. She continues through her intercession to draw us to her Son, and to intercede for her Son to conform us more fully into His image and likeness.

In her conception, birth and life, Mary lived a simple, human life without sin. Mary’s model is one of humility and obedience to God. Her many appearances since her assumption into heaven have been to instruct humanity to pray (especially the Rosary), to be mindful of God, and seek not to offend God in any way. In addition, according to the passion of her Son, she instructs us to fast and embrace suffering as repentance for our own sins and for the conversion of sinners.

Please take time to listen to today’s Gospel and homily in the video below.

May God bless you, and Our Lady draw all of us closer to her Son, Jesus.
