Celebrating The Saints; Embracing Our Call To Holiness
For the past five years, our Office of Multicultural Ministry has gathered Catholics from as many different cultures represented in the Archdiocese for a celebration in the cathedral. While the attendance at such celebrations is still slow to come back since COVID, the joy and beauty were on full display Read more…
Holy Thursday: Christ Loved Us To The End – Commands Us To Love One Another
As we begin this Sacred Triduum, I share with you the homily from this evening’s Mass of the Lord’s Supper at St. James Cathedral. You can watch the video below, or read the text that follows. As I write, a group of young adults has begun a pilgrimage in Seattle Read more…
The Year of the Family: St. Joseph, Pray for Us!
Generation to generation, God is faithful, and continues to call His family to be a people of faith. So begins this Year of the Family … On this Solemnity of St. Joseph, Spouse of Mary, we read in Sacred Scripture of God’s patience and faithfulness. God promised Abraham his descendants Read more…
Naming Personal Sin: Omission, Commission, Attitudes
The Prophet Isaiah in today’s readings again renews the call of Lent: “Let us set things right.” The readings today give us three perspectives for self-examination. The towns of Sodom and Gomorrah were notorious for the sinful practices so prevalent in their day. Thus, the first point for our consideration Read more…
Christ Is Born: Humility of Christ Shares in Our Humanity That We May Share In His Divinity
Merry Christmas! God’s entrance into the world through the Incarnation allows us to penetrate the ways of God. The humility of Christ to enter our humanity creates the capacity for us to share in his divinity! Is there room for God in our world today? Is there room for Christ Read more…
Humble Trust In God – Faith
Today’s readings continue the call to conversion of this Advent season. As the Prophet Zephaniah proclaims, we must confess our own ‘rebellious, polluted and tyrannical’ ways that ignore God. Now is the time to admit we no longer hear God’s voice or accept correction, and have failed to place our Read more…
Children of God, Servants of Christ
Today we celebrated another Catholic Schools Mass with help from students at Holy Names Academy. Our readings on the feast of St. Leo the Great give us at least two titles. Imagine beginning each day mindful of the reality that each of us is a child of God… This would Read more…
As Yeast Mixed With Flour, Disciples Advance The Kingdom With Humble, Selfless Love
Jesus speaks of the Kingdom of God in today’s readings. The Kingdom can be likened to a small mustard seed or a tiny amount of yeast. Each are representative of humble beginnings which advance great growth. Similarly, we as disciples of Jesus and servants of his Kingdom are to become Read more…
Words of my Mother echo through today’s readings: “Children, love one another!”
Today’s readings are summarized nicely in the words of St. Paul to the Ephesians: I urge you to live in a manner worthy of the call you have received, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another through love, striving to persevere in the unity of the Read more…