Our readings today call us to pay attention to Christ – the Word of God. Let us not be like the generation of which Jesus speaks, who did not pay attention to Jesus, nor to his precursor, John the Baptist. Rather, let us imitate those who did recognize Jesus and found his teaching credible and authoritative.
In the words of Isaiah, Jesus is the Holy One of Israel, who teaches us what is for our good and leads us in the ways we are to go.
Let us be like the one described in today’s psalm who follow the Lord, who follow not the counsel of the wicked nor walk in the way of sinners nor sit in the company of the insolent, but delight in the law of the Lord and meditate on his law day and night.
Let us be so moved to conversion by Christ and his teaching that we elevate the ethics in our business and morals of our relationships with each other.
Once again, I invite you to listen to God’s Word and homily from today’s Mass.
Peace and Advent blessings!