It is difficult to fully comprehend the fullness of what we celebrate this Easter Day. We are “worldly people” celebrating an event that took place in history, and yet is “other worldly” in its origins and designs. Jesus is not only the Author of Life, and of all creation, but as the Author of Life, He is also the Source of the Life of Grace, Redemption, Eternal Life. This is the true reality we are to reflect upon today, so as to live more fully at the level of the “super-natural” life that Christ won for us through His death and resurrection. Because He is the Source of Life itself, even death could not contain Him. His death was like no other death, because it conquered the power of death; the power of sin. His death gives us the bright promise that in our death, we will meet Him, who is the “Dawn of perfect day”!
Our God is so full of Life and Love, that it cannot be contained. The readings from the Easter Vigil last night remind us of how God brought “order” to “chaos”, life from nothing, and submitted all of this to the dominion of man and woman, whom He created in His image. He created us for relationship with Himself, not that He needs us, but that He longs for our entering into the fullness of the Love that exists in God Himself. The disorder that we bring to this relationship of Love through our sinfulness is “re-ordered” and redeemed through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ!
May we learn to live more fully the “new life” of grace that is ours through the generosity of God and the resurrection of Jesus Christ! May the Holy Spirit continue to renew the Church in our time, that we may live the fullness of the Life that is ours through the Sacraments.
It is through these Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist that God, through Christ continues to pour out upon us, the Church, the Body of Christ, the Life and Love that cannot be contained. It is through these same Sacraments of the Church that we have the capacity to enter fully into the same Life and Love that is God! May we continue to be faithful witnesses to the Resurrection and lead others to the same faith and belief that we share in Jesus Christ!
Blessings to all of you this Easter day and Easter Season!