In today’s readings, Jesus is once again alone in prayer with God, the Father. Jesus as the Son of God drew great strength and direction in these moments of prayer. These moments solidifies his relationship with the Father along with his resolve to accomplish his redeeming work.

Is it any wonder it is after such prayer that he turns to his disciples asking who other believe him to be? Prayer speaks powerfully about our identity in God. Even the first reading says as much by saying that God has put the timeless into our hearts. (Ecclesiastes 3:1-11)

We do well as Peter to come to the belief that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God.

Peter found his true identity and mission in his relationship with Jesus. So shall we.

Jesus is the one through whom we come to know the truth about all else. Let us not get this equation backwards by allowing the fleeting things of this world to flaw our understanding of who Jesus truly is. In other words, our relationship with Jesus and our faith in him should inform us about how to live and act here and now – in all things. Put very concretely in another contentious election season, does our faith inform our politics? or does our politics dictate to our faith?

Who do others say Jesus is?

Who do you say Jesus is?

Once Peter properly identifies Jesus, he then prepares them for must follow, namely that “The Son of Man must suffer greatly and be rejected by the elders, the chief priests, and the scribes, and be killed and on the third day be raised.”

Let us spend time in prayer growing in intimacy with Jesus today, that we may draw great strength and direction for our own lives.

You may listen to God’s Word and today’s homily below.

