Once again today, beautiful readings for Mass.

St. Paul teaches that we who have been baptized in Christ share in the death of Christ. Our journey through this world is lived in Christ, as citizens in heaven, who long for the moment we share in the resurrection of Christ in the hour of our death.

Jesus in the Gospel today tells a story that can be difficult to understand, but Paul’s teaching above gives us good insight for how to understand what Jesus is telling us. 

The story of the steward who squanders his master’s goods is about us. Everything we have – including life itself – is bestowed upon us freely by God. We are to use these many blessings appropriately – in keeping with the plan of God – as good stewards. When we live for ourself alone, we are squandering God’s blessings, failing in our Christian duty, living as St. Paul would say as ‘enemy’s of the cross of Christ.’

Let our lives be daily conformed to Christ. In our pilgrimage through this world, let us leave the mark of Christ upon all we meet, and thus advance God’s Kingdom as we journey towards our heavenly home.

The Psalmist sums up the message quite nicely:

“Let us go rejoicing to the house of the Lord!” 
