For Guadalupe Rock Springs the past six years, the Hispanic community of Holy Spirit Catholic Community in Rock Springs has hosted a celebration in honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe.  In order to accommodate as many people as possible, they gather on the Sunday nearest the feast.  This gives them one day to decorate the event center, and a day for the celebration.

Even though the Mass is for the Sunday of Advent, the festivities clearly center around Our Lady.  This was the first year I was able to join the community.  It is an impressive display of faith and joy!  Perhaps as many as 450 – 500 people gather.  There is music, dancing, and plenty of good food.  One of the first things that is readily visible is the number of young children.  There is such an openness to life among the Latino community, and they keep the children highly engaged and involved in the celebration.

Many of the young people, and a fair number of the adults wear the traditional clothing of Mexico.  A team was also present from Utah, dressed in Aztec Indian dress, dancing to drums, and celebrating the appearance of our Lady to the native catechist, San Juan Diego.  The children also had a play re-enacting this series of appearances of Our Lady.  All of this is quite impressive, and calls to mind the desire of God and of Our Lady to present to us even today.

Please join me in prayer that we may be even more open to the mysteries ways we are accompanied by our Lord and our Lady.  Pray that we may bring our faith to impact our day-t0-day lives and world.

