A New Home…

Today is Chrism Mass day in Cheyenne country.  As you know from the previous blog entry, this is one of my favorite Liturgical celebrations of the year, as it is for not only most priests, but many people of the faith as well.  It gives a snapshot of the beauty Read more…

Gifts Received, Grown & Shared

Today’s Gospel gives another image of the Kingdom of God; its presence now, and its eventual fulfillment.  (Luke 19:11-28)  Each of us are given “gifts” (ten gold coins) by a nobleman (God/Jesus), and are told to engage in trade until I return.  Clearly, these gifts are given to be actively Read more…

Relevance of the Church

Recognizing the delicate balancing act required to address this topic, I wish to pull together some thoughts regarding the purpose of the Church, and thus, its relevance for people of all ages, including today. On a feast day such as today, the Feast of Saints Simon and Jude, it is good Read more…

Challenge of the Gospel

Monday, the Board of Directors for the Wyoming Catholic College met. As many of you know, the College recently received Pre-Accreditation Status.  Click here to read more.   Sunday evening, a few of the board members gathered for a home-cooked Italian meal at one of the board member’s home.  It was Read more…


Today’s Gospel and readings speak to certain realities. We are called to show compassion and mercy in this life. We are called to pursue righteousness, devotion, faith, love, patience, and gentleness…and to lay hold of eternal life.  (First Timothy 6:11-12)  In similar fashion, the Prophet Amos warns against complacency.  (Amos Read more…