
Today’s Gospel and readings speak to certain realities. We are called to show compassion and mercy in this life. We are called to pursue righteousness, devotion, faith, love, patience, and gentleness…and to lay hold of eternal life.  (First Timothy 6:11-12)  In similar fashion, the Prophet Amos warns against complacency.  (Amos Read more…

Meetings With Priests

Last week, I began meeting with the priests of the diocese on a deanery basis. Our first group, the Cheyenne Deanery, met at St. Walburga Abbey in Colorado just south of Laramie. The priests gather around 2:00pm and we remain together until the next day around the same time, or Read more…

Treasure In Heaven

This weekend’s Gospel (Luke 12: 32-48) gives a simple message: “The Father is pleased to give you the Kingdom.”  Jesus is speaking to His disciples.  He is ultimately speaking of heaven, as the text says explicitly in the next line.  However, Jesus is also speaking of the founding of His Read more…

St. Catherine of Siena

Today we celebrate the Feast of St. Catherine of Siena.  Those who know me know that she is a favorite of mine, for many reasons.  She was a woman of great faith, whose love for the Lord was intense, mystical, persevering, and shown in practical and fruitful ways in her Read more…