Homework For Holy Week

Our Lenten journey began with the words: Turn away from sin and be faithful to the Gospel. The third Luminous mystery of the rosary sums it up well by saying Jesus came proclaiming the Good News and the conversion of life. Lenten is often referred to as the retreat of Read more…

The Fragrance Of Christ

Fr. Cantalamessa references the passage of Mary anointing Jesus (Mark 14:3, John 12:3) in his book, Come, Creator Spirit: Meditations On The Veni Creator. Granted, Fr. Cantalamessa is making a subtly different point, namely about breaking the alabaster jar, which releases the scent of the perfume, making a powerful analogy Read more…

Jesus Is The Feast!

Jesus comes to gather the nations into the one Kingdom of God. As the Passover Feast draws near, the people knowing the Pharisees seek to kill Jesus ask: “Will he come to the Feast?” Jesus is the Feast! He will make that Passover surpass and fulfill all other Passover celebrations. Read more…

Domestic Church Resources

Dear friends: Hopefully you are aware that for many years, especially since the Second Vatican Council, the Church has referred to how we live the faith in our homes as the Domestic Church. Recognizing the incredibly unusual circumstance of not being able to gather for Mass on weekends, and anticipating Read more…