Welcome To My New Blog!

Dear Friends, welcome to my new blog! I figured after six and one half years, it was time for an upgrade. I also learned that around 80% of people who access the internet today do so with a hand-held device, and my previous blog was no longer user friendly. How Read more…

Advent: Prepare to Receive Christ

  This Second Sunday of Advent, the People of God is invited to re-discover the deepest desire of their heart.  This human desire is for God.  This longing of every human person is precisely what John the Baptist is helping people acknowledge and receive through his baptism of repentance.  “Repent, Read more…

Courage For Truth

As the light begins to fade on this feast of the Passion of John the Baptist, I would like to capture some of my thoughts from early this morning. We are all familiar with the story of the beheading of John the Baptist.  Because St. John was courageous enough to Read more…