Today’s readings for the Second Sunday of Lent can be found here.

The many individuals of our readings today communicate we are clearly created for relationship with God. From Abraham to Moses and Elijah, to Peter, James and John, we see how God calls all of us to live our a covenant with God – in love. The readings also make clear the cost of love, which is the cost of discipleship – which always leads to new life.

The cost of love can often generate fear, which keeps us from following through on the demands of love. God demanded much of Abraham in asking him to offer his son Issac. God demanded much of Moses and Elijah, who knew the cost of serving God. God demanded no less from his only begotten Son, to lay down his life for our salvation.

The hidden glory of God is revealed fully in Christ. As we hear the voice of God in today’s Gospel: “This is my beloved Son, listen to him.” we do well to listen to Jesus.

The hidden glory of God is revealed in love; especially the love which is a direct response to God’s call.

St. Paul helps us accept the demands of love by teaching us that God is for us! God, who did not spare his own Son but handed him over for us all, will also give us everything we need!

We are clothed in the glory of the Risen Jesus through baptism. However, to live fully this new life means ‘dying’ to self and learning to live for others, and manifest the hidden glory of God within us. As St. Paul says elsewhere: “To be in Christ is to become a completely new creature. Everything of the old is gone; now everything is made anew.” (2 Cor 5:17)

You can listen to the readings and homily from today’s Mass below.



Sunday February 28 8:00am Mass from Archdiocese of Seattle on Vimeo.