Young Church, We Love You!

The National Catholic Youth Conference in Indianapolis this year is a great event. Nearly 25,000 youth have gathered from around the country, and I am so pleased that we have nearly 50 present from Wyoming. Besides the youth, there are so many dedicated adult leaders and youth ministers, men and Read more…

The Father’s Will

Thursday’s Gospel from Matthew clarifies again for us the common and continual focus of the Christian journey: Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven.  These words of Jesus call us Read more…


There is a line in today’s first reading from the Book of Ecclesiastes 3:1-11: I have considered the task that God has appointed for the sons of men to be busied about.  He has made everything appropriate to its time, and has put the timeless into their hearts,… This is Read more…

Rome Update IV

As most of this readership still sleeps, we are wrapping up our time in Rome.  One more session this early afternoon, then the American Bishops will go to the North Amercian College for a welcome from the priests and seminarians there.  Most of us will depart Rome to return to our Read more…

Rome Update III

At this point, most of us new bishops are on overload with the amount of information received.  Overall, the presentations are quite insightful and quite helpful.  The real challenge of the week is the jet-lag complimented by the endless challenge of functioning in various languages.  As in the days of Read more…